Wikipedia Handbook of Biomedical Informatics
- General Overview
- Health information technology
- Health informatics
- Clinical Informatics
- Cybermedicine
- EHealth
- Health 2.0
- Public health informatics
- Applications in Healthcare Management
- Health Administration Informatics
- Medical integration environment
- Health information exchange
- Hospital information system
- Healthcare workflow
- Computer physician order entry
- ICU quality and management tools
- Laboratory information management system
- Laboratory information system
- MHealth
- Practice management software
- Clinical Quality Management System
- Health Electronic Records
- Electronic health record
- Electronic medical record
- Personal health record
- COmputer STored Ambulatory Record
- ProRec
- Health record trust
- Canadian EMR
- ClearHealth
- Laika
- OpenEHR
- OpenEMR
- OpenMRS
- Kind Messages for Electronic Healthcare Record
- Summarized Electronic Health Record
- VistA
- VistA imaging
- VistA Web
- WorldVistA
- Decision Support Applications
- Clinical decision support system
- Computer-aided diagnosis
- Medical algorithm
- Medical logic module
- Arden syntax
- Concept Processing
- Guideline execution engine
- DXplain
- Internist-I
- Mycin
- Physicians' Information and Education Resource
- RetroGuide
- Symptomat
- STD Wizard
- Medical Imaging Applications
- Digital radiography
- Imaging informatics
- Patient registration
- Radiology information system
- Picture archiving and communication system
- Analysis of Functional NeuroImages
- 3DSlicer
- Analyze
- CAVEman
- FreeSurfer
- ImageJ
- InVesalius
- Mango
- OsiriX
- Medical and biological signal applications
- Medical monitor
- Holter monitor
- Automated ECG interpretation
- Open ECG project
- MECIF Protocol
- European Data Format
- OpenXDF
- Databases, Digital Libraries and Literature Retrieval
- Biological database
- Medical literature retrieval
- Entrez
- PubMed
- GoPubMed
- Pubget
- PubMed Central
- UK PubMed Central
- Trip
- Twease
- SciELO
- Telehealth and Telemedicine
- Connected Health
- Telehealth
- Telemedicine
- Telecare
- Telephone triage
- Remote guidance
- Tele-epidemiology
- Telenursing
- Teledermatology
- Telemental Health
- Telepsychiatry
- Teleradiology
- Telerehabilitation
- Virtual reality in telerehabilitation
- Campus medicus
- Wireless Medical Telemetry Service
- Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Robotics and Virtual Reality
- Computer assisted surgery
- Remote surgery
- Robotic surgery
- Surgical Segment Navigator
- Bone segment navigation
- Robotic prostatectomy
- Robot-assisted heart surgery
- Cyberknife
- Da Vinci Surgical System
- NeuroArm
- Laboratory Unit for Computer Assisted Surgery
- Legislation and Regulation
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology
- Software Systems
- Medical software
- Dental_software
- List of freeware health software
- List of open source healthcare software
- List of neuroimaging software
- Mirth
- Mpro
- Open Dental
- Personal Health Application
- Texas Medication Algorithm Project
- Languages and Development Platforms
- Internet Projects
- Bing Health
- Dossia
- E-Patient
- Google Health
- iMedicor
- Microsoft Amalga
- Microsoft HealthVault
- Patient portal
- Virtual patient
- Clinical Research Informatics
- Translational research informatics
- Clinical trial management
- Clinical data management system
- Case report form
- Clinical coder
- Clinical data acquisition
- Data clarification form
- Patient-reported outcome
- Standards, Coding and Nomenclature
- Diagnosis codes
- Procedure codes
- Bar Code Medication Administration
- Bidirectional Health Information Exchange
- Classification Commune des Actes Médicaux
- Classification of Pharmaco-Therapeutic Referrals
- Clinical Context Object Workgroup
- Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
- Clinical Document Architecture
- Continuity of Care Document
- Clinical Document Architecture
- Continuity of Care Record
- Current Procedural Terminology
- Diagnosis-related group
- Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
- Electronic Common Technical Document
- General Data Format for Biomedical Signals
- Health Level 7
- Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel
- Health Informatics Service Architecture
- Healthcare Services Specification Project
- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
- ICD-10
- ICD-10 Procedure Coding System
- International Classification of Diseases for Oncology
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
- International Classification of Health Interventions
- International Classification of Primary Care
- International Healthcare Terminology Standards Development Organisation
- ISO 27799
- ISO/IEEE 11073
- ISO/TC 215
- MedDRA
- Medical Subject Headings
- Minimum Data Set
- Multiscale Electrophysiology Format
- Nursing Interventions Classification
- Nursing Minimum Data Set
- Nursing Outcomes Classification
- Standard for Exchange of Non-clinical Data
- TC 251
- Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
- Healthcare Ontologies
- Nosology
- Archetype
- OBO Foundry
- Ontology for Biomedical Investigations
- Open Biomedical Ontologies
- Associations, Committees and Conferences
- American Association for Medical Systems and Informatics
- American College of Medical Informatics
- American Health Information Management Association
- American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
- American Telemedicine Association
- Belgian Health Telematics Commission
- Belgian Medical Informatics Association
- Brazilian Society of Health Informatics
- Brazilian Congress on Health Informatics
- Center for Telehealth and E-Health Law
- Centre for e-Health
- European Federation for Medical Informatics
- European Health Telematics Association
- European Health Telematics Observatory
- European Institute for Health Records
- Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
- Health On the Net Foundation
- Indian Association for Medical Informatics
- International Medical Informatics Association
- Medinfo
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
- National Resource Center for Health Information Technology
- Open Source Health Care Alliance
- The Continua Health Alliance
- UNESCO Chair in Telemedicine
- World Health Imaging, Telemedicine, and Informatics Alliance
- Publications
- List of medical and health informatics journals
- Journal of Health Informatics
- Journal of Information Professionals in Health
- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
- National Projects
- BeHealth
- Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN)
- Canada Health Infoway
- Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG)
- Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant and Loan Program
- eHealth Ontario
- HealthConnect
- Health Information Systems Programme
- District Health Information System
- Health informatics in China
- NHS Direct
- NHS National Programme for IT
- Ontario Telemedicine Network
- Public Health Information Network
- SmartCare
- International Projects
- Building Europe-Africa Collaborative Network for Applying IST in Health Care Sector
- Global Infectious Disease Epidemiology Network
- Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
- Miscellanea
- GIS and Public Health
- Neuroinformatics
- Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
- E-epidemiology
- Epi Info
- OpenEpi
- Living Human Project
- Stereolithography
- Virtual Physiological Human
- Visible Human Project
- People
- Edward H. Shortliffe
- Don E. Detmer
- Homer R. Warner
- Robert Ledley
- Vimla L. Patel
Source of article : Wikipedia